Dear Monarchs in the Rough Participants,
I hope this message finds you well. We understand everyone has a lot going on right now & many activities are up in the air. Our hope is that some semblance of normal will return in time for Monarchs In The Rough plots to be monitored this summer.
As we gear up for eventual monitoring, please email me by June 1st if you are willing to have your property monitored this summer and have internal discussions with your golf course staff about how we can quantify metrics on the success of projects once access improves. We will work through the timing of actual data collection together when we get there and when it is safe to do so.
Site monitors will be selected via an effort between Audubon International & the Monarch Joint Venture. Of course, health guidelines will be reviewed prior to monitoring and those regulations will be observed.
In addition to monitoring conducted by one of the previously mentioned site monitors, there might be opportunities for the personnel that are already on site at your course conducting essential activities to stop by plantings and record plant characteristics and butterfly use. Golf courses able to remain open with new rules to foster social distancing might allow golfers themselves to document project success.
I hope you’ll consider signing up for monitoring by June 1st. We know that the current situation is fluid and that future plans may need to be flexible, but we are very hopeful that together we can find appropriate ways to continue our important work on providing vital habitat for our pollinators!
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Marcus Gray
Director of Conservation Initiatives |