
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE             July 28, 2020


Golf courses surpass initial goal for butterfly protection

Monarchs in the Rough program creates over 1,000 acres of new habitat for monarch butterflies on golf courses

Audubon International leads unique partnership to demonstrate golf’s commitment to environmental protection and sustainable management

TROY, NY: Audubon International is leading golf courses across North America in doing their part to save the monarch butterfly and other pollinators. Through Audubon International’s popular Monarchs In The Rough initiative, over 700 golf properties have committed 1,020 acres to creating new plantings of the milkweed plants these butterflies need to survive.

By developing a unique partnership of golf course superintendents, golf management companies, the Environmental Defense Fund, Monarch Joint Venture, and the United States Golf Association (USGA), Audubon International moved the golf industry to a leadership position in the efforts to save pollinators in general and, more specifically, the monarch butterfly and its legendary annual migration across North America.

Milkweeds are the only plants that monarch caterpillars eat, which makes them critical to the butterfly’s lifecycle. Monarch butterflies, as well as many other pollinators, also feed on the nectar of milkweed flowers.

Many golf superintendents are already receiving positive feedback on their efforts from golfers, Boards of Directors, and course owners.

Leveraging a $150,000 grant from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Audubon International offers regionally appropriate seed mixes in key areas, along with technical assistance to superintendents and others in golf operations on creating, protecting and maintaining milkweed and other native plantings. The organization is also tracking the success of the plantings from site preparation through full establishment.

“Audubon International is proud to be leading this exciting and unique Monarchs in the Rough partnership. We’re already seeing positive results from the plantings and interest in the program continues to grow,” says Marcus Gray, Conservation Initiatives Director at Audubon International. “Our thanks go out to all Monarchs In The Rough sponsors, supporters and friends who have helped it grow so quickly but, most particularly, to the golf course superintendents, without whose efforts this success could not have happened.”

The goal-topping acre came with the registration of Lockhart State Park Golf Course in Texas. When asked about the reasons for joining Monarchs in the Rough, Austin Vieh, Park Superintendent, said, “Part of the mission of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department is to conserve the natural resources of Texas. Lockhart State Park is lucky enough to have areas that could serve as valuable Monarch habitat, so we wanted to do our part in conserving this iconic species.”

Funding is now being sought to continue assisting superintendents interested in transitioning areas to native milkweed and wildflowers as well as those wishing to scale up now that they have observed how the project fits into their routine.

As more operations see the ecological and financial benefits of enjoyed by their peers, the concepts are expected to spread, growing the habitat network butterflies use on their migration and for reproduction. Daniel Kaiser, Western Strategies Director for the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), had this to say, “As a founding partner of Monarchs In The Rough, EDF is proud of our accomplishments, but even more excited for the next stage of the program where we demonstrate economic advantages for golf courses that actively preserve diverse native habitat.”

Cole Thompson, Environmental Research Director at the USGA, added, “Golf courses can serve as wildlife sanctuaries when they are managed properly. Monarchs In The Rough has made it easier for golf courses to get involved by establishing and enhancing pollinator habitat that directly benefits their communities. The USGA has been proud to champion this project as part of its ongoing commitment to sustainability and is excited by the program’s progress and future goals.”

The next phase of the work is to use Monarchs In The Rough plots as study sites to measure planting results, butterfly use and management practice adaptation in response to the need for lower inputs required for restored sites.

For a full list of program funders and other partners visit

About Audubon International:

Audubon International is a not-for-profit organization working to create sustainable environments in all the places where people live, work, and play. A global leader in environmental certifications, the organization provides education, technical assistance, and a set of award-winning certifications for the recreation, hospitality and community development sectors. For more information, visit or find us on social media (@AudubonIntl, #AudubonInternational).



Audubon International Contact:

Marcus Gray, Director of Conservation Initiatives
Audubon International 120 Defreest Drive Troy, NY 12180 518-767-9051 ext. 140